Tuesday, May 17, 2011

UC Santa Cruz's turn???

weeping a People’s Past Under the Rug
The UC continues government crimes against Native Americans
By City on a Hill Press
City on a Hill Press
Published May 12, 2011 at 3:52 am

Illustration by Muriel Gordon.

Native Americans have a long history of oppression in this country. Their land was taken, their people murdered and their sacred sites corrupted, all for the sake of building the United States. A new form of this old oppression is still happening, and the University of California is playing a role.

In this issue’s feature story, “Forgotten but not Gone,” it is confirmed that the University of California, and UC Santa Cruz in particular, is in possession of Native American artifacts and burial remains. The question of where and what those remains are is left unanswered.

Keeping Native American remains is problematic for a number of reasons. It means that graves were disrupted to obtain these remains, which is disrespectful to any culture. And to make matters worse, many Native American tribes believe that disruption of burial sites can cause spiritual trouble.

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